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  2. Graceful Personalized Photo Explosion Box wih Assorted Chocolates

Graceful Personalized Photo Explosion Box wih Assorted Chocolates

Description :

Tether your loved ones to your heart by sending this Graceful Personalized Photo Explosion Box with Assorted Chocolates and surprise them with your special gesture. This Personalized Photo Explosion Box comes presented with:
1. 12pcs Cadbury Five Star Chocolates (12g each)
2. 4pcs Alpenlibe Jelly Justs
3. 4pcs Pulse Chocolates
4. 4pcs Cadbury Eclairs
5. 2pcs Polo Mint Chocolates
6. 1pcs Silver Pearls Cardamon from Rajnigandha
7. 6 Personalized Photos

This Personalized Photo Explosion Box consists of 6 Digital Photos.

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Send 6 digital photos with your Alpha-numeric order id at: [email protected] or Whatsapp at +91 9230721098.

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